Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeGarden TipsWhat To Plant After Tomatoes: 6 Second Crops To Prolong The Growing...

What To Plant After Tomatoes: 6 Second Crops To Prolong The Growing Season

As the season slows, watching your tomatoes and other plants finish their production can be quite sad. The cooler temperatures and lower light signal to these plants that it is time to produce seed and die back. While quite normal, this will leave your garden looking less than bountiful and you will find your hand-picked daily produce quite reduced.

But with a little planning, you can have a late-season garden, and in some zones a winter garden. Second crops – also known as succession crops or follow-on crops – can be planted after your main crop has finished. Using crop rotation succession planting techniques you can remove your fading tomato plants and replace them with late-season crops. This enables you to maximize your existing space and enjoy an almost continual harvest.

Best Vegetables to Plant After Tomatoes in the Fall



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